Here's a shot of a terrific old Iron City billboard from who knows when (the picture was not dated). Let's just go with 1950, that's a nice and even year. And yes, the next time you think of slurping on a Miller Lite, you should realize you are disgracing your heritage, and order an 'IRN instead.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Here's a view down Forbes Avenue from 1953. The businesses occupying the store fronts along this corridor might have changed, but the way the street beautifully frames the Cathedral of Learning is timeless.
Monday, December 15, 2008
29th and Penn Avenue in the Strip District circa 1953. This spot is a block from my current office. The building next to the car in the foreground is currently a bar called "Arts Tavern", and the appliance shop across the street is now a beautiful, empty lot. There are a couple trendy companies in old buildings in the area that have been re-done, but for the most part it looks the same to this day.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
City Refuse Truck 1953
Smacked up old truck....who knows what the story is behind how this came to happen.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hazel St - Lot between #1228-1234 (1954)
Here's a picture from the Hill District looking into town. Notice the Clark building off to the left, and the current Citizen's Bank building off to the right. It was a mere three years old at the time of this picture!